How to get from Qeynos to Freeport
Ceeb the travelin Monk
Travel from Qeynos is relatively safe once you know the pitfalls facing
you and how to navigate some of the more confusing areas. The most dangerous areas on this
trip are West Karanas and Runnyeye the goblin caverns. Most of the creatures are more than
a handful for level 4 - 7 players and some creatures giving level 18 characters a run for
their money.
Qeynos Gate to Qeynos Hills
Ok so you are ready to make your run(and I do mean run) from Qeynos to
Freeport. First thing you should know is that this takes a really long time. If you are
successful your first attempt plan to spend a couple of hours making the trek. Before you
leave have at least 4 water and 3 rations. You can restock in Rivervale.....if you make
it. Ok head south out of Qeynos. You won't go far and you'll hit the Qeynos Hills zone.
There is little to no danger here unless you are level 3 or below.
Qeynos Hills to Western Karanas
Once you zone into Qeynos Hills follow the path towards the Karanas.
This part is also relatively safe. Follow the path until you hits the Western Karanas
zone. Be careful of the rabid grizzly's that sometimes happen upon the path. They attack
Western Karanas to Northern Karanas
Ok, now the fun begins. The Karanas are a vast plain upon which some
very nasty stuff hangs out. Be prepared to see Hill Giants, giant spiders, giant beetles,
bandits, grizzly's, and scarecrows (be careful, from a distance they look like normal
players with a torch, up close.....well....I've never seen one up close). Once you enter
this zone you have two choices, path or river. Paths are extremely dangerous. Lots of
nasty things spawn near them, hang out on them, or cross them. However the river is on the
edge of the zone and as you will see exploiting the edge is the best way to go. Head south
to the river and turn left keeping the river on your right. Follow the edge of the river.
This is where you can put your character on autorun and make a few minor course
adjustments from time to time. Generally I have not found alot of baddies on the river's
edge but always be on the lookout (don't go make a sandwich while you're autorunning the
edge!). You will (i promise, although it will seem like forever) eventually reach the
Northern Karanas zone. Zone through!.
Northern Karanas to the Canyon of ??
Well congratulations, you are a third of the way there. Now it gets
tougher. The river edge still offers alot of security but you need to be more watchful.
There are two bridges across the river in this zone. The first one you come to leads to
the South Karanas zone (if you consult your map you will see where it is, south and to the
right of Qeynos). Don't take this bridge. Also be careful prior to reaching it as a band
of raiders are permanently camped on the rivers edge before you get there. Travel on past
the first bridge until you reach the second one which is wood. Cross the bridge into the
Canyon of ?? zone.
Canyon of ?? to the Runnyeye
Once across the bridge turn left and get next to the river again.
Follow the river until you hit the edge of this zone. Sometimes there is a Cyclops
standing in the water so go around him. You'll know you've hit the edge of the zone when
you see a druid camp to your right at the base of some mountains. Climb up these mountains
as high as you can and follow them east (as you climb up turn right, turning left will
dump you into the river). Follow the mountains until you come to the entrance of the
canyon. At this point you should be "forced" down onto the ground. Enter the
canyon and stay to the right. At your first opportunity to turn right do so. In this part
of the canyon you will see goblins, muddite men, and whoa! minotaurs!. This is not
confirmed but I believe the minotaurs will not attack unless provoked but I would not try
to find out. Instead climb up the canyon wall on the right side. You will be forced down
in a few places but that's ok. Make sure nothing bad is below you and quickly run past
that spot. Get back up on the side as quickly as you can though. This is a tough part and
you will most likely have to time creature crossings below you to navigate successfully.
If you run through here with no thought to planning you will die. When you reach the end
of the canyon you will see an entrance in front of you. This is the entrance to Runnyeye,
the goblin caves.
Runnyeye to Misty Thicket
Ok, now is where I make everyone who says Runnyeye is a terrible place
to cross through mad. It isn't. It isn't even close to terrible. It's a 3 on the danger
scale. The problem is if you make a wrong turn you can become lost and even build up a
goblin train behind you. Here is the secret. When you go into the caves make all left
turns. It takes less than 30 seconds to run through here. Which means even if you pick up
a goblin upon entrance unless your HP is really pathetic you'll make it ( I know a level 2
wizard who made it and they have very low HP). When you hit the next zone you'll come out
in Misty Thicket.
Misty Thicket to Rivervale
Can you say cakewalk. Misty Thicket is very open but can be very dark
at night. However with careful planning you'll be able to avoid most everything. Head
east. You should see the entrance to Rivervale after a little while of running. If you get
lost don't worry. You have returned to the land of players and someone will be happy to
point you in the right direction. Oh by the way, congratulations, you are halfway there!
Rivervale to Kithicor Woods
While your in Rivervale pick up some provisions if you need them. I
don't take anything with me when I go but I'll usually slay a couple of fire beetles along
the way so I can pick up some water. Find the exit to Kithicor Woods and zone into
Kithicor Woods to West Commonlands
When you come out of the cave turn right and follow the zone edge like
before. Be careful here, especially at night. I have found ghouls up high on the zone edge
before. Follow this around, you'll be "forced" to the ground. There will be a
rocky canyon entrance to your right. This is the entrance to High Hold Pass. Now if you
are level 15 and above by all means go in have some fun. If you aren't, go in and commit
suicide. The only people I have heard of who have navigated this successfully had
invisibility or some kind of speed spell. Keep going straight to the other edge of the
Kithicor zone. Be watchful of HG's as they sometimes end their patrol here. Climb up the
zone edge and turn left. Your sense heading should indicate east. Follow this edge all the
way to West Commonlands.
West Commonlands to East Commonlands
Continue to use the zone edge formula. Watch for griffins, skeletons,
ghouls, and pumas along the edge. Zone into East Commonlands.
East Commonlands to the Freeport West Gate
You are basically home free at this point. You will see and inn to your
left. Feel free to come off the edge and down to the inn. You can then follow the path to
the West Freeport zone. Once you zone keep running and you'll hit the west gate. Congrats!
you made it. Hopefully you didn't die and only had to do this once. Now last but not
least.....BIND TO FREEPORT!! Unless of course you are sick in the head and want to do this
again! lol
Be careful,